Torque Unit Converter

Convert between different torque units for automotive applications: lb-ft, Nm, kgf-m, and more.

Enter the torque value you want to convert.
Select the current unit of your torque value.

Torque Unit Conversion Tips

  • 1 lb-ft = 1.356 Nm = 0.138 kgf-m = 12 lb-in = 192 in-oz
  • 1 Nm = 0.738 lb-ft = 0.102 kgf-m = 8.851 lb-in = 141.6 in-oz
  • American manufacturers typically use lb-ft, while European and Asian manufacturers use Nm.
  • Always check your vehicle's service manual for the recommended torque specifications.
  • Over-torquing can strip threads or break fasteners, while under-torquing can lead to fasteners working loose.
  • For precision work on smaller fasteners, lb-in or in-oz may be more appropriate units.