Vehicle Stopping Distance Calculator

Calculate how far your vehicle travels before coming to a complete stop.

Stopping Distance Calculator

Additional Factors (Optional)

Stopping Distance Results

Total Stopping Distance: 0 ft
Reaction Distance: 0 ft
Braking Distance: 0 ft

Visual Representation

Reaction Distance
Braking Distance

Comparison Table

Speed Reaction Distance Braking Distance Total Distance

About Stopping Distance

Stopping distance is the total distance traveled before a vehicle comes to a complete stop. It's made up of two components:

  • Reaction Distance: The distance traveled during the driver's reaction time before applying the brakes.
  • Braking Distance: The distance traveled while the brakes are applied until the vehicle stops completely.

Factors Affecting Stopping Distance

  • Speed: The stopping distance increases exponentially with speed. Doubling speed nearly quadruples the stopping distance.
  • Road Conditions: Wet, icy, or graveled roads significantly increase braking distance.
  • Vehicle Condition: Worn brakes or tires reduce braking effectiveness.
  • Gradient: Uphill roads decrease stopping distance, while downhill roads increase it.
  • Driver Reaction Time: Can be affected by age, alertness, distractions, or impairment.

Safe Following Distance

A good rule of thumb is the "3-second rule" - maintain at least 3 seconds of following distance between your vehicle and the one ahead. In poor weather or road conditions, increase this to 5-6 seconds.

Friction Coefficients by Road Type

  • Dry asphalt or concrete: 0.7-0.9
  • Wet asphalt or concrete: 0.4-0.6
  • Snow-covered road: 0.2-0.3
  • Ice: 0.1 or less
  • Gravel: 0.4-0.5