0-60 MPH Time Calculator

Estimate vehicle acceleration performance based on power, weight, and drivetrain specifications.

Enter your vehicle's horsepower rating.
Enter your vehicle's weight (curb weight).
Select your vehicle's drivetrain type.
Enter your vehicle's torque rating (optional - will be estimated if blank).
Enter your vehicle's final drive ratio.
Select your vehicle's transmission type.
Select your tire type or specify a custom traction coefficient.

About 0-60 MPH Time Estimation

The 0-60 mph (0-97 km/h) acceleration time is one of the most common performance metrics for vehicles. It measures how quickly a vehicle can accelerate from a standstill to 60 miles per hour.

What Affects Acceleration Time?

  • Power-to-Weight Ratio: The most important factor - more horsepower and less weight means faster acceleration
  • Drivetrain Type: AWD vehicles typically launch better than RWD or FWD
  • Transmission Type: Modern DCTs and performance automatics shift faster than manual transmissions
  • Tire Traction: Better grip means more power transferred to the ground
  • Gearing: Appropriate gear ratios help keep the engine in its power band

Performance Categories

  • Supercar (under 3.0s): Exotic high-performance vehicles
  • Very Fast (3.0-4.0s): Sports cars and high-performance luxury vehicles
  • Fast (4.0-5.5s): Sports sedans and entry-level sports cars
  • Quick (5.5-7.0s): Performance-oriented everyday vehicles
  • Average (7.0-8.5s): Typical modern sedans and crossovers
  • Modest (8.5-10.0s): Economy cars and compact SUVs
  • Slow (over 10.0s): Economy-focused vehicles, heavy trucks, and older vehicles

Calculation Method

This calculator uses a simplified physics model that accounts for power-to-weight ratio, drivetrain losses, traction limitations, and gear ratios. It's designed to provide a reasonable estimate but may not account for all factors that affect real-world acceleration performance.

For more accurate results, consider using the Advanced tab to enter additional details about your vehicle.