Liters Per 100km Calculator

Calculate your vehicle's fuel consumption in liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km) and convert between different fuel economy metrics.

Enter the distance traveled.
Enter the amount of fuel consumed.
Enter the price of fuel to calculate cost per 100km.
Enter the fuel economy value you want to convert.
Select the unit you want to convert to.

L/100km Tips

  • Liters per 100 kilometers (L/100km) is the standard fuel consumption measure in most European, Asian, South American, and Australian countries.
  • Lower L/100km values indicate better fuel efficiency (less fuel used per distance).
  • To convert from L/100km to km/L, divide 100 by the L/100km value.
  • To convert from L/100km to MPG (US), divide 235.214 by the L/100km value.
  • The average modern sedan has a fuel consumption of about 7-9 L/100km, while smaller cars often achieve 5-6 L/100km.
  • For every 1 L/100km reduction in fuel consumption, a vehicle driving 20,000 km annually would save 200 liters of fuel.