Kilometers Per Liter Calculator

Calculate your vehicle's fuel efficiency in kilometers per liter (km/L) and convert between different fuel economy units.

Enter the distance traveled.
Enter the amount of fuel consumed.
Enter the price of fuel to calculate cost per km.
Enter the fuel economy value you want to convert.
Select the unit you want to convert to.

Kilometers Per Liter Tips

  • Kilometers per liter (km/L) is a common fuel efficiency measurement in many countries including Japan and India.
  • Higher km/L values indicate better fuel efficiency (more distance per unit of fuel).
  • To convert from kilometers per liter (km/L) to liters per 100km (L/100km), divide 100 by the km/L value.
  • To convert from km/L to MPG, multiply by 2.352.
  • For accurate km/L readings, fill your tank completely, record the odometer, drive normally, then refill and divide the kilometers driven by liters used.
  • For electric vehicles, the equivalent measurement would be kilometers per kilowatt-hour (km/kWh).