Fuel Economy Unit Converter

Convert between different fuel economy units such as MPG, L/100km, km/L, and MPG (Imperial).

Enter the fuel economy value you want to convert.
Select the current unit of your fuel economy value.

Fuel Economy Conversion Tips

  • Higher values of MPG, km/L, and miles/L indicate better fuel efficiency.
  • Lower values of L/100km and gallons/100 miles indicate better fuel efficiency.
  • 1 US gallon = 3.785 liters, while 1 UK (Imperial) gallon = 4.546 liters.
  • To convert from L/100km to MPG (US): MPG = 235.215 ÷ L/100km
  • To convert from MPG (US) to L/100km: L/100km = 235.215 ÷ MPG
  • US EPA fuel economy ratings use MPG, while most other countries use L/100km.